Bulletin Board


Looking for in-home pet sitter, for 2 cats and 1 large dog. 1 week in January, 1 week in March. Must be able to walk dog 3 times/day. Ideal for mature student or couple. Contact Christine at caubryhome@gmail.com.


Exciting news from Prime Ministers’ Row, Canada’s first street museum! Thanks to the support of the Sandy Hill community, TD Bank, and the City of Ottawa all the pieces are now in place to publicly launch PMR in 2020! Community consultations will take place beginning in April. Are you on the PMR mailing list? Email info@pmr-apm.ca to get updates and be the first to know when dates are confirmed! More information on the project can be found at pmr-apm.ca


Sandy Hill community rink: Action Sandy Hill signs a contract with the City to maintain the community rink each winter. There is a group of young people willing to do the job and they are inviting others to join them; make your pitch to ASH at info@ash-acs.ca. The work is remunerated. Details in the ASH report on p.6.


Connections for Success, Sandy Hill and Lowertown Youth Mentorship Project is a project to match youth with professionals from their own neighbourhoods. A free event is being planned for February 9 at the Sandy Hill Community Centre. You can sign up on line before January 9, at tiny.cc/n85rez. Details in the ASH report on p.6.


allsaints Event Space: It has been a great year at allsaints and Working Title: Kitchen  + Café. Our restaurant is becoming a hot spot for date nights, family outings, and after-work happy hour drinks and sharing plates; we’ve hosted 25 spectacular weddings of all styles and sizes this past year.
There are lots of opportunities to join us in the last few weeks of this decade: Bring your friends and family to a special Holiday Brunch and Harps in the grand Borden Hall, Sun. December 15th. Tickets see Eventbrite Ottawa.
Dine and dance the night away at our Sandy Hill New Year’s Eve Party with The PepTides on Tuesday, December 31st.
Tickets: see Eventbrite Ottawa.
Contact: info@allsaints.ca; Tel, 613-230-3050


The engage.ottawa.ca web site provides opportunities for residents to have input into a variety of City of Ottawa programs and studies. The opportunities for consultations are online or at public meetings. Two studies of interest to Sandy Hill:

Review of recreation and culture programming in the downtown core has an online survey and two public meetings: Jan. 8, 7-9 p.m., McNabb Recreation Centre,180 Percy Street; Jan. 14, 7-9 p.m., Routhier Community Centre, 172 Guigues Avenue.

Review of the City’s 10-year Homelessness Plan. Residents can provide online feedback on the review of the plan through the questions asked in each section on the site or by filling out the short survey.