The season is about to open at the Sandy Hill skating rink—help needed!
Catherine Major
The boards for the skating rink in Annie Pootoogook Park are up. Winter is coming. What we need now are more volunteers to help build the ice and maintain the ice during the winter season.
We are also looking for rink attendants, who will be paid an hourly wage. They must be 14 years of age or older, and will be required to:
- Shovel and/or scrape the ice when necessary. Shovels and ice scrapers are provided.
- Call 3-1-1 for any bylaw issues (e.g., loud parties, trespassing)
- Call 9-1-1 for any emergencies
- Keep the site clean. There is a garbage can on site.
- Work with third parties who have obtained permits to use the rink
- Complete online time sheets, record the number of users each day, and submit these records to ASH.
The rink is open most weeknights and Saturday and Sunday afternoons.
If you are interested in volunteering or being a rink attendant, send us an email at describing why you would make a good rink attendant.