
Test your memory and IMAG(E)ination

Where have you seen, on your walks around Sandy Hill,  this striking set of columns? Where?  Let us know and we’ll salute you in the October-November IMAGE.

Photos Bob Whitelaw

Last issue’s mystery revealed …

The IMAGination photo in our  April-May edition was of the crenellated tower of allsaints event space at the corner of Chapel and Laurier East. The church was commissioned and built by Sir Henry Bate and celebrated its first century in 1999. Once again, we salute Poonam Varshni of Chapel St. who responded quickly with the correct answer.


In April, IMAGE also published  a new challenge from Ralph Kretz of Augusta  Ave.:

How many words can you make using one or more letters in the name IMAGE?

Only one response was received and it too came from Poonam Varshni, who supplied 520 words starting with the letter i,m,a,g or e and using at least one other letter in image, starting with Island and finishing with Earthquake. A very impressive response, which we will endeavour to scan and post at the IMAGE website before Canada Day.

Once again, IMAGE salutes
Poonam Varshni
Chapel Street

And we thank Mr. Ralph Kretz for his initiative in issuing a neighbourhood fun challenge via our newspaper.