Literary Page: Le chant de Moïse / The Song of Moses
Biblical poems by Seymour Mayne
Le chant de Moïse / The Song of Moses
Translated into French by Caroline Lavoie • Publisher: Mémoire d’encrier, Montreal
Seymour Mayne is the author, editor, or translator of more than seventy books. Mayne’s latest volumes of poetry and short fiction include the bilingual Ricochet: Word Sonnets/Sonnets d’un mot, The Old Blue Couch and Other Stories, and Cusp, a selection of new word sonnets, published to mark fifty years since his first collection appeared in Montreal. As a literary trailblazer and editor, he has compiled numerous groundbreaking anthologies and critical texts. Longtime resident of Sandy Hill, he has been teaching at the University of Ottawa for more than four decades. Copies of Le chant de Moïse are available at the University of Ottawa Bookstore.