Sandy Hill in action
Update from the board of our community association
Betsy Schuurman
A New Chair for Action Sandy Hill
In September and October, the Board filled two vacancies and elected me, Betsy Schuurman, as Chair and Jackie Farrow as Vice Chair.
In November, Membership Committee Chair Mikaela Kennedy and I kicked off the new Members Monthly Social at Working Title Cafe, 330 Laurier Avenue East. Join members of the board there on the second Monday of every month to connect with one another and talk about the issues that are important to the community. Everyone is welcome. Stop by on January 13 and say, “Hi.”
Action Sandy Hill is a volunteer-run community organization that anyone that lives or owns a business in Sandy Hill or is a representative of the University of Ottawa can join. Membership can be purchased on the ASH website at Members are entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting for new members to the Board of Directors, and also receive the monthly newsletter full of information of interest to Sandy Hill residents.
We have dedicated volunteers who make amazing events happen in the neighbourhood including the One & Only Craft Fair, the Winter Carnival, the skating rink at Annie Pootoogook Park, the EcoFair in Strathcona Park and many others. ASH is always looking for volunteers to help out with activities. A huge shout out to the organizers of the 2024 One & Only which was a great success and to the Environment Committee who led 15 volunteers over several Saturdays in removing invasive Common Buckthorn from along the Rideau River and replacing it with 20 native trees, shrubs, and perennials. These activities make our community fun and beautiful!
ASH’s advocacy initiatives are largely run through its committees: Bylaw Enforcement, Community & Social Services, Environment, Outreach & Membership, Planning & Heritage, and Town & Gown.
Have a question or comment about something going on in the neighbourhood? Email——and it will be forwarded to the appropriate committee. Committees work with community partners and local government to help improve the neighbourhood. From reviewing past emails to ASH, I can see that bylaw violations, public safety concerns, property developments, and preserving and enhancing the heritage of Sandy Hill are all issues that community members contact ASH for help with. Please let us know what is important to you and what we can do to help. If you’ve reached out in the past, we’d love to hear from you again.
Though I haven’t always been a member of ASH, I’ve lived in Sandy Hill for about ten years, volunteering with the Winter Carnival, serving as a Block Rep, and helping establish an annual block party on Besserer Street. I’ve always been grateful for the work ASH is doing in the community and am very happy to serve the organization and the Sandy Hill community. Forming connections empowers members of the community and makes us stronger. Please reach out with your ideas anytime by emailing me at:

Photo Stéphanie Plante