Sandy Hill EcoFair returns June 1
Marilyn Whitaker
The Sandy Hill EcoFair 2024 will be returning to Strathcona Park on Saturday, June 1.
Last year’s successful debut had more than 20 exhibitors from eco-friendly organizations and attracted some 300 people to talk with exhibitors, ask questions and find out more about environmental activities and opportunities. Opening and closing ceremonies led by Elder Irene Compton, guided walks and a children’s scavenger hunt were part of the EcoFair.
This year organizers hope to attract more exhibitors, including those interested in selling or promoting environmentally friendly products and services, as well as food items. EcoFair hours will be extended to 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Expanded activities for children and families, and more guided walks are part of the planning.
If you have ideas and suggestions for EcoFair 2024, would like to help out or are a student looking for volunteer hours, please contact the members of ASH’s Environment Committee at: