
Action Sandy Hill, the neighbourhood community association, wants your help

Louise Lapointe

We’re a little more than a month away from our Annual General Meeting on May 30, where we will be electing board members. This meeting, open to all in Sandy Hill, provides an opportunity for residents to connect with the Action Sandy Hill Board.

This will mark the end of my second year as ASH Chairperson. Prior to joining ASH as chair, I had limited experience as a director of any organization. I had no idea what I was signing up for! I have learned so much in a variety of municipal areas: university-relations, development, transportation, heritage, bylaw enforcement, social services, and housing, to name but a few. I’ve had the privilege of meeting and working with incredibly dedicated residents to address issues of friction. Our common objective: a neighbourhood that is clean, safe and a great place to live.

As Chair, I advocated to the city and province for change in the inefficient and destructive approach to dealing with people who are street involved, homeless or who are struggling with drug addictions. Through this I learned that issues at the municipal level are often the result of poorly planned decisions from other jurisdictions. Ultimately, it is municipalities that bear the cost.

Community associations play a vital role in building community. We do this through advocacy, and by holding events run by extraordinary volunteers, such as the Winter Carnival, the One and Only craft fair, and the EcoFair. We also create lasting connections with the various city employees from bylaw, police, and public health, who work with us.

Volunteering, as a member or as a director, is a rewarding way to contribute something tangible to your community, gain experience on a board, learn about municipal policies, and more. Please join us on May 30 for our Annual General Meeting to hear what we have accomplished in the past year, what we hope to tackle in the coming year, elect new directors and continue ASH’s tradition of community activism and advocacy.


ASH committees need YOU!

Planning and Heritage Committee

If you are interested in playing a direct role in shaping zoning policy, the official plan and transportation master plan, reviewing neighbour comments on large developments, working with city staff on heritage designation, and demolition applications, and contributing to shaping housing policy, then the Planning and Heritage committee is for you! The committee meets monthly or as required. Training is available from the city and opportunities abound to share your expertise.

Bylaw Committee

Tired of seeing garbage strewn on properties? Curious about improving sidewalk and snow clearing? Tired of burned-out street lights? Want to do something about it? Work with dedicated bylaw enforcement officers to find creative solutions to everyday problems and irritants.

Environment Committee

Help organize a spring neighbourhood clean-up and other initiatives to assess and expand Sandy Hill’s tree canopy and to enhance biodiversity.