Letters & Opinion

Test your memory and IMAG(E)ination

Bob Whitelaw

Photo Bob Whitelaw

Where have you seen this splash of colours in the neighbourhood?

Send your answer to image22@rogers.com and you may get a newsprint shout-out in the next issue of IMAGE.


Last issue’s mystery revealed

Photo Bob Whitelaw

The spire at 87 Mann Avenue.

Its original church, St-Pie X, was built on the site in 1957, became St. Clement’s in 1968 and was deconsecrated in 2011, when the congregation moved to the historic Ste-Anne at 528 Old St. Patrick St. in Lowertown. The structure was then renovated and expanded into a residential apartment building with the spire maintained.

Poonam Varshni correctly identified the spire.







PROFILE 1: Chico & Beretta

PROFILE 2: Abby & Angus

PROFILE 3: Lenin & Charlie

PROFILE 4: Chubs & Beans