
October-November 2020 | OCTOBRE-NOVEMBRE 2020

From the Editor

The flow of generous and friendly donations that kept IMAGE alive in 2019-2020  has abated and we are back on our feet. Here is one last sincere thank you to all those who sent in support, most recently (since our June-July issue): Bob Meldrum, Blackburn Ave.; Denis Faulkner and Mary Munnoch, Laurier Ave. E; Huguette Jodoin, Laurier Ave. E., and JP Joseph Maingot, Range Rd.

Sadly, we bid farewell to our great friend, contributor and advisor Ron Hodgson, Stewart St., who is moving north to New Edinburgh, and longtime advertiser Laurel Blackman (Rent-a-Wife) who is transferring clients to individual cleaners and heading into retirement.

Finally, we are pleased to say Bonjour! to Metroland Media, which has closed our printer Performance Press in Smith’s Falls but is honoring their printing commitments—including our standing offer. So far, so good.

Jane Waterston, Editor

Masthead October 2020