Bulletin Board


Cotton shirts
Bettye Hyde Early Learning Centre, now it is cleared for reopening, is looking for washable shirts that the staff can wear when hugging/holding, bathrooming children. These shirts can only be worn once while dealing with one child and then must be laundered so they need lots. Please be assured the shirts will be reused many times over, and once they are no longer required they will be donated to the Salvation Army. If you are able to help keep the children and staff safe by donating long sleeved cotton shirts, you can drop them off at the school—43 Blackburn Ave. at Osgoode.

A quiet apartment
Phil Caron (whose drawings are featured regularly in IMAGE) needs to move. He is looking for a modestly priced, very quiet apartment for rent. As a meditation/yoga practitioner, a very quiet environment is top priority (e.g. not a student -filled residence). You can reach him at philcar@sympatico.ca

Nursing student (second year) at the University of Ottawa  is available to work 10 hours a week this summer as a helper/companion for an elderly person. She will only take on one client to reduce the risk of COVID. References available. $25/ hour. For more information, call Mackenzie at 613-562-0017.

Une étudiante de deuxième année en sciences infirmières à l’Université d’Ottawa est disponible pour travailler 10 heures par semaine en tant qu’aide / accompagnatrice pour une personne âgée. Afin de réduire les risques de transmission du COVID, elle travaillera avec un seul client. Son taux horaire est de 25 $ / heure et des références sont disponibles sur demande. Pour plus de renseignements, veuillez communiquer avec Mackenzie au 613-562-0017.

Arts Network Ottawa / Réseau des arts d’Ottawa  — Summer job seekers
Three opportunities are available for bilingual youth (15 to 30 years) this year to help with planning and implementing upcoming and new initiatives. It is expected that all summer positions at Arts Network Ottawa will focus on web-based exchanges and online programming. Application deadline: June 22, 2020. Full information at: artsnetottawa.ca/summer-job-opportunities 2020/

Odyssey Theatre Summer program
Odyssey Theatre mask and puppet making workshops (July) and, Youth Apprenticeship Program (August). See article here and www.odysseytheatre.ca/

Ottawa Children’s Theatre goes international with 16 online summer camps July 6 to August 21, 2020, for children and youth ages 7 to 18. OCT online summer camps run for one, two or three hours per day, depending on the age of the camper. Most camps are one week long and range in cost from $125 to $550 (2 weeks). There is no limitation in location––students are currently registered from Europe, the United States and across Canada. However, enrolment is very limited due to the nature of the medium and parents are encouraged to register as soon as possible.  www.ottawachildrenstheatre.net/ or contact Amanda Lewis at 613 267 6205 | info@ottawachildrenstheatre.net


People to take tick precautions
Ticks are NOT social distancing despite pandemic. Pets and people need to take precautions before heading outside. You can learn more about the risks of tick-caused Lyme disease at the Canadian Lyme Disease Foundation (canlyme.com). If you have been bitten by a tick, Emilie Norris-Roozmon, a master’s student at Queen’s University, would like to hear from you. She has launched an online survey that tracks the aftermath of being bitten: (bit.ly/Tick-Survey).