On Sunday, May 26 residents of Blackburn Avenue closed off the block from Osgoode to Somerset (thanks for getting the permit, Christine!), and held their annual Street Party.
Photos by Betsy Mann
Freedom to play in the street is a big feature for the many children who live on this Sandy Hill street. Adults held the banners, marshalled the parade and brought up the rear with their instruments, but the younger set were the enthusiastic riders, gliders and marchers in the Blackburn Avenue Kids Bike Parade. Thanks to Pilar and Marc for supplying the balloons, pipe cleaners, streamers and other colourful supplies for the bike/trike/scooter-decorating station.There were no floats in this parade, but a decorated wagon carried two young ones up and down the block, powered by energetic runners.Un groupe de musiciens s’est formé à l’improviste pour accompagner la parade de battements de tambours et de la résonance du gong. Merci à Yves qui a fourni les instruments et qui a donné le ton à l’aide de son accordéon.Rosalie and her father, Craig Anderson, agree: a girl can never have too many balloons on her bike.Après la parade, les voisins ont sorti les tables et les chaises dans la rue pour partager le repas. Tout le monde a apporté un plat et sa vaisselle. Merci à Roch et Lena qui ont fait cuire l’agneau à la broche (acheté frais de Mohamed, chez Safi). Tout était délicieux et la compagnie excellente. Une autre fête de la rue réussie…à répéter l’année prochaine.