
Test your memory and IMAG(E)ination

Where have you seen, on your walks around Sandy Hill, this striking crenelated roofline? Where? Let us know and we’ll salute you in the June-July IMAGE.

Photos Bob Whitelaw


Last issue’s mystery revealed …

The IMAGination photo in our  February-March edition was of the mural of Sir John A. Macdonald on the public pathway between Laurier and Wilbrod Street. It is the work of De La Salle students on the Prime Ministers Row initiative. We salute Mrs. Poonam of Laurier Avenue!




A new game!

From Ralph Kretz of Augusta Ave. comes this challenge..

How many words can you make using one or more letters in the name IMAGE?

Email your list to: with Game! in the subject line. Include your name and Sandy Hill street address.