
Photo Jane Waterston
Rosemary Bayne
Resident of Sandy Hill’s Marlborough Avenue for three decades, Rosemary Bayne died in a seniors’ residence near Peterborough on January 17, 2019. A very little person with a very big heart, Rosemary was an active member of All Saints Sandy Hill Anglican church, where she worked for many years as office assistant to the Rev. Joan Riding and later the Rev. Katherine Wallace. Among the dozens of projects she supported wholeheartedly at the church was the annual Snowflake Bazaar where she hosted the Plant Table year after year—a project that required skill, patience, forethought and a thriving home garden; she also baked up a storm each November, making the bazaar lunches and bake tables events to remember. Born in Barbados, Rosemary, her husband Ian and children Tim and Jennie, also lived in Valcartier and Brussels.
Thérèse Maloney-Cousineau
The Catholic School Board trustee for Sandy Hill, where she lived on Chapel Street through the 1990s and early 2000s, Thérèse Maloney-Cousineau died in Ottawa on January 11, 2019. A strong advocate of Catholic education, she served as an OCSB Trustee for 35 years, starting in 1984, including some years as board chairperson. She was an early promoter of girls in sports and science. Born in Thurso, Thérèse traveled the world from Iqaluit to Tel Aviv and enjoyed exploring her Irish and French ancestral roots.

Photo Rob Sinclair
Mary Sinclair
Photo Rob Sinclair
A remarkable woman who lived in Sandy Hill off and on (six times over seven decades!) through her 97 years, Mary Sinclair died on January 10, 2019. She leaves her Marlborough Avenue family, son Robert Sinclair and granddaughters Cora and Neala. IMAGE readers may remember Mary’s lively 2014 account of growing up near the Rideau River, rooming in Kingsmill House (now the Cordon Bleu) on a few occasions during the war, living at 443 Daly while she helped with de-mobilization, at Daly and Chapel during her civilian working life, and eventually in a condo on Wilbrod Street.
Do I Care?
A poem by Mary Sinclair (1921-2019)
Do I care? Yes I do and I will tell you why.
Life becomes more and more precious as the years go by,
And if we want to leave this world a better place,
Let us try to spend a little less time in cyberspace,
By talking more with each other face-to-face.
Hurray for computers, Google and Facebook
But I hope we will never ever overlook …
The meaning of life and what it’s all about
Like sharing and caring and reaching out.
Yes, we all have 10 fingers as well as 2 eyes,
And a brain to help make us more wise.
But how important it is to remember too
That two ears were also given to you.
The world is fast changing – no time to wait.
We all need each other – so listen, listen, and communicate!
IMAGE welcomes contributions to this Requiem column, where we note the death of people who played a role in the life of our neighbourhood. Please send a photo and text to: