

An example of a TCU cube.

Another TCU Cube coming to Somerset St. E. The TC United development company has applied to demolish the house at 296 Somerset E. and build a three storey, 5 unit building in its place.  There will be four residential units with four bedrooms each, plus a first floor commercial space.  There will be no off-street parking.  The building is alleged to be “compatible with existing land use patterns so that the residential character of a neighbourhood is maintained.”



Photo Kathleen Kelly

On October 16, the staff and children of Bettye Hyde Co-operative Early Learning Centre received a visit from Mayor Jim Watson who read a proclamation in honour of Childcare Worker and Early Childhood Educator Appreciation Day. Sandy Hill certainly appreciates the presence of childcare centres in our neighbourhood. Adults, l-r:: Janet LeBlanc (Bettye Hyde ELC), Karina Vivarais Laflèche of the ECE francophone association, Mayor Jim Watson, Michel Laflamme (Le service d’enfance  Aladin), and Cindy Mitchell, Lisa Lajoie and Frederico Esparza, director, teacher and parent respectively at Bettye Hyde.