Letters – November 2018
An outstanding local person
I went to the award ceremony on October 18 for the Governor General’s awards commemorating the Persons Case, and was pleased to see one of Sandy Hill’s residents receiving an award. Elizabeth Sheehy works at the U of O and is one of six women to receive the national distinction this year. Why? Her pioneering research has helped transform Canada’s criminal justice system, creating more effective protections for victims of sexual and domestic violence. For more than three decades, she has lifted her voice in support of women’s human rights.
Bravo, Liz!
Anneke Jansen Van Doorn
Goulburn Ave.
Dogs and cold weather
Now that the cold weather is beginning, it’s important for the owners of small pets (particularly dogs) to take care to protect them. Because they have a higher ratio of skin area to volume, smaller animals lose heat faster than larger ones. If nature hasn’t endowed your pet with a thick fur coat, please take care to provide a substitute!
Frank Heilingbrunner