Letters & Opinion

Letter from the Editor

IMAGE received three letters in response to Kerry Wilson’s Letter to the Editor, published in the September 2024 issue of IMAGE (“Keep inflammatory content out of IMAGE”).

The writers all expressed shock and disappointment that IMAGE had published a letter which, they pointed, out contained factual errors and misrepresented a country’s national flag. These writers also felt that the letter from Wilson was itself quite inflammatory.

The intent in publishing Wilson’s letter was to show that IMAGE is open to being criticized and is transparent in publishing discontent from readers, as we are doing now in acknowledging these letters.

A Letter to the Editor is a personal opinion and does not represent the opinions of the IMAGE team.

We take this opportunity to note that IMAGE is brought to you entirely by volunteers and does not have a formal editorial board. If you are interested in providing journalistic expertise, on a volunteer basis, we would welcome your collaboration. Please contact the editor at: editor@imagesandyhill.org.

Christine Aubry