Bulletin Board

COMMUNITY BULLETIN BOARD | Les affiches communautaires

The Ottawa Japanese Community Association is seeking volunteers for the July 6 Natsu Matsuri event at the Sandy Hill Community Centre (see the summertime diversions article on page 23). If you are available to help, contact: communications@ojca.ca

Walk or cycle over to the Wild Oat Bakery and Café in the Glebe during the month of July to take in a poster-art exhibit entitled Protect What You Love, addressing local and broader environmental issues that touch us all.

Illustration Claire MacDonald

Do you know a senior who would benefit from the company of 1 or 2 very sweet and loving cats? Miles and Molly need a new home (together or separate) where they will have access to a yard and a human (preferably female) who is most often at home.  Please contact Christine at caubryhome@gmail.com



Garden Competition for Apartment Buildings in Sandy Hill

Not all apartment building grounds are equally maintained in Sandy Hill. Some feature oversized garbage bins and cracked pavement with dandelions blooming (on a good day). Others are carefully planned with continuously flowering plants, ranging from spring daffodils to fall zinnias.

We would like to acknowledge the successful efforts of landlords who contribute to the beautification of our neighborhood by recognizing the best in the fall edition of IMAGE.

So landlords, here is your chance to up your game. Garden enthusiasts and walkers, take note. Please send your nominations (with photos, optional) for the best commercial or apartment building gardens in Sandy Hill over the summer and early fall to:  elizabethgracetremblay@gmail.com. If you are interested in being one of the judges for this first annual competition, please send a note to the same address.

I hope that landlords of all types will rise to the challenge and spruce up Sandy Hill.

Elizabeth Grace Tremblay

The Embassy Terrace building on Chapel Street has made an effort to beautify their front entrance. Do you have a building to nominate for the Garden Competition for apartment buildings?

Concours de jardins pour les immeubles appartements de la Côte-de-Sable

Les terrains des immeubles d’appartements ne sont pas tous entretenus de la même manière dans la Côte-de-Sable. Certains présentent des poubelles surdimensionnées et une chaussée fissurée avec des pissenlits en fleurs. D’autres sont soigneusement planifiés avec des plantes à floraison continue, allant des jonquilles au printemps aux zinnias en automne.

Nous tenons à souligner les efforts fructueux des propriétaires qui contribuent à l’embellissement de notre quartier en reconnaissant les meilleurs dans l’édition d’automne d’IMAGE.

Alors, propriétaires, voici votre chance de rehausser votre profil. Amateurs de jardins et promeneurs, prenez note. Veuillez envoyer vos candidatures (avec photos, facultatives) pour les meilleurs jardins d’immeubles commerciaux ou d’appartements de la Côte-de-Sable au cours de l’été et du début de l’automne à : elizabethgracetremblay@gmail.com. Si vous êtes intéressé.e à être l’un.e des juges de ce premier concours annuel, veuillez envoyer une note à la même adresse.

J’espère que les propriétaires de tous types relèveront le défi et embelliront la Côte-de-Sable.


Main St. Farmers’ Market is back

Grande Allée Park is home to the newest Ottawa Farmers’ Market. Located off Main Street near St. Paul’s University, it is just a short bike ride along the river from Sandy Hill. About two dozen vendors are offering local seasonal produce, baking, dairy, meat and prepared foods every Saturday between now and late October. Check it out!
— Betsy Mann