
Tell me what you really really want: Back to the 90s at Viscount Alexander Public School

Bryn & Simoona

Have you ever heard of the greatest decade of all time, with Jennifer Aniston, Macaulay Culkin, and Baby Spice? Those are just a few of the famous celebrities that the Grade 5 & 6s tried to recreate at our awesome Wax Museum! On May 3, Viscount Alexander’s Grade 5/6 went back in time to the time of talking on a cell phone the size of a brick, slap bracelets, and playing with your Tamagotchi until It dies. The 90s.

The Wax Museum is one of the most popular events at Viscount Alexander School. Every year one of the teachers picks a theme, and the Grade 5/6 classes dress up accordingly. This year it was 90s: booya! The event happens every year, but it took a break during the lockdown. For the event, students write a speech about a character and present it to a few kids at a time. As one of the Grade 5/6ers said: “The Wax Museum was very fun and I think everyone enjoyed it!”

This is what happens at The Wax Museum, a Runway participant explains: “We choose our theme, then we choose our character; after that we write our speech about our character; after, we choose our costume, then we practice like crazy, then we choose our song; after, we do the runway and recite our speech to the Grades 1 to 4. Oh gotta go, my Tamagotchi is about to die!”

On the May 3rd Runway Event day, our Grade 5/6s worked really hard to recreate one of the best decades ever: the 90’s. Our lead organizer is the Grade 5/6 English teacher, Ms. Fulford. Everyone walked down the red carpet that Ms. Fulford laid out. Our students dressed up as singers, actors, songwriters, comedians, politicians, writers and even a prime minister. Some students said: “I was super excited.” “Even the speech writing part was fun.” “We got to learn about so many new people, and I think the little kids enjoyed it,” said a Grade 6 student.

Wax Museum is one of the best highlights of the year for all the students, even the kids who don’t participate! “I was really nervous because we only practiced on stage three times,” said a student in Grade 5. Wax Museum has been part of Viscount for a long time, and we’re happy to be able to do it again after the lifting of Covid restrictions.

Everyone had so much fun. Parents took photos, and they were so happy to see all their favorite 90s celebrities. Some of the people that attended were Jim Carrey, Serena Williams, Tom Cruise, and so many more. As another Grade 5/6 student said, “The Wax Museum was very stressful, but overall it was a very fun blast from the past.”

Which 90s figure do you recognize in this picture?  Is that master swordsman Zorro I see? Is that that pesky troublemaking genius Steve Urkel with his accordion?
Photo Scott Macklin