
The times they are a-changing!

Sandy Hill honours its past, but knows well that things must turn over, pivot and evolve. This new issue of IMAGE brings you news and commentary on things going down and coming up.


Photo Bob Meldrum

After many months with a stationary CAT on its lawn, 335 Daly became a pile of rubble in December. To see what was there a year ago, see page 13.


Photo John Verbaas

At the end of November, the homes at 197 and 201 Wilbrod St. were demolished. These properties have been empty and abandoned for over 20 years, with many considering them an eyesore. The City recently approved their replacement: a 4-storey, 19-unit apartment building (17 bachelor units and a pair of 2-bedroom units).


Photo Christine Aubry

In November, Jess Vaillancourt returned to Sandy Hill to open an indie clothing and bookshop on Somerset East. See page 7.


Photo supplied

Meet our new city councillor

Stéphanie Plante was sworn in as our new Rideau-Vanier city councillor on November 15. She responds to Marie-Pierre Lefebvre’s questions on page 4.


What will 2023 bring to the streets and riverbank of our lovely neighbourhood, shown in this stunning sunrise shot taken from a balcony at Rideau and Charlotte streets.
Photo Carol-Ann Larocque