Action Sandy Hill hosts its first in-person Annual General Meeting since COVID-19
Action Sandy Hill is planning the association’s annual meeting. The meeting is open for all residents of Sandy Hill, ASH member or not. This is when your community association board reports back to you.
The meeting will take place on Thursday, June 16 between 6:30-9 p.m. at the Sandy Hill Community Centre (250 Somerset St. E).
ASH volunteers are a diverse group with one thing in common: we want to make Sandy Hill an even better place to live. Think you might like to help? Please consider becoming a volunteer board member of ASH.
Here are a few active issues we need your help with:
· Leadership and other roles for our project to build a gazebo in Strathcona Park
· ASH’s comments to the City on various renovation/development projects in the neighbourhood
· Protecting the built heritage in our neighbourhood
· Local action to help the environment
· Improving communications and making connections to our members and the community at-large
ASH members will be electing new directors at the June AGM. If you have a question about volunteering with ASH, we’d love to hear from you at