
A new Mission for the former Rideau Bakery building

Louise Lapointe

The neighbourhood landmark, the Rideau Bakery, closed during the summer of 2019 and the building has been empty since then.
Photo Ken Clavette

The Rideau Bakery has been sitting vacant since it closed its doors in 2019. But behind the black plastic in the large windows of the former bakery, a transformation is taking place.

The space has been leased to The Ottawa Mission to house its kitchen training program, the Food Services Training Program (FSTP). Offered since 2004, the popular program needs room to grow. The FSTP provides training in food services and work placement. The program also generates revenues from its catering business for The Mission. The new location will provide an opportunity to increase the number of sessions offered, from two to three, helping an additional 15 to 20 students a year. The program is currently housed in the basement of The Mission’s Waller Street location where there is limited space.

The move to the 384 Rideau Street location will address the space issue, providing ample food preparation and storage space. The trainees will now have a larger kitchen where they will prepare meals and catering products. In keeping with the Rideau Bakery tradition, the new location will operate a storefront and sell prepared take-away meals, breakfast and lunch, at reasonable prices. This fully commercial venture will be open to all.

The Ottawa Mission is currently renovating the space with a planned opening in May 2021.