
Thanks for a wonderful Winter Carnival

Christine Aubry

The 2020 Sandy Hill Winter Carnival, held on January 19, was a shining example of community coming together to deliver a successful event. This year’s event had the most number of sponsors and volunteers to date and a simple thank you seems not enough. Nonetheless, Action Sandy Hill and the event organizers would like to recognize the contributions of the following groups.

The financial sponsors: the Sandy Hill Community Health Centre; Councillor Mathieu Fleury; Lynda and Jimmy Cox; Allegro Music School; Loblaws McArthur; St Laurent Shopping Centre and DeSerres art and graphic store.

For coming out to run activities we extend our thanks to: the 12th Ottawa Girl Guides unit; Rideau Sports Centre; the Sandy Hill rink attendants; Mitchell Webster and the University of Ottawa Geegees mascot.

And for preparing a delicious, plentiful meal we thank St Joe’s Supper Table and the women of Daryeel and Strathcona Heights.

Finally but certainly not least, to the many individuals who gave their time both before and during the event, including the Blackburn Avenue families who donated baked goods.

To all, know that without your help, such events would not be possible.

With utmost gratitude,

The 2020 planning team

Christine Aubry; Sarah Govan; Betsy Shuurman; Paula Tchen


Ed’s note: A huge thank you goes to the planning team for the hours spent putting the carnival together.

Photos Christine Aubry