News Season’s greetings, Sandy Hill! December 1, 2018 admin A good bunch of IMAGE volunteers gathered for a year-end celebration on November 24 to kick (schmooze) off the season. Pictured above are many of this paper’s contributors. Front—Ken Clavette, Danna Leaman, Maureen Korp, Judy Rinfret, Jane McNamara. Behind the couch—Trina Cooper-Bolam, Diane Beckett, François Bregha, Jane Waterston, Lynda Cox, Bob Whitelaw, John Verbaas. Back row— Clive Branson, Bob Meldrum, John Cockburn, Eric Schiller, David Elden, Yvonne Van Alphen, Frank Heilingbrunner, Ron Hodgson, Michael Barnes, Peter Rinfret, Jan Meldrum. It has been a great year for contributions, new recruits and business development at the paper—and we are truly looking forward to more of the same in 2019! Happy New Year to all our readers, advertisers, distributors, alumni and well-wishers. Photo: Harlequin Studios