
Sandy Hill sites and sights

It looks like the café and food shop CHELIA will be moving into the corner space of the Mann Plaza formerly occupied by the cleaners. We look forward to the grand re-opening.
Photo Christine Aubry

While we were sad to see Dainty Kitchen close, it wasn’t long before a new sign appeared at the corner of Somerset East and Blackburn. Foodinator is now open and IMAGE welcomes readers’ reviews of the new restaurant for the next Food Notes column. Email: editor@imagesandyhill.org
Photo Betsy Mann

The rental property management company Capital Rentals found an original way to show gratitude to Sandy Hill renters, at the corner of Friel and Wilbrod.
Photo Christine Aubry

The Other Hill is launched with pizzazz
As reported on in the September issue of IMAGE, The Other Hill has officially launched. This organization is working towards a website of activities and visual recognition along the streetscape of Laurier Avenue East. Watch for an announcement of activities for 2025 in the new year.
A big thank you to Ottawa artist Bhat Boy for donating his painting Guardians of Sandy Hill to the recent fundraising auction, and congratulations to Sandy Hill resident Judy Rinfret, the new owner of the painting.
Watch for other fundraising opportunities in the coming months, or just donate to The Other Hill:  www.theotherhill-lautrecolline.ca
Photo Christine Aubry