From the IMAGE In-box
Richcraft not keeping its promises
I am distraught to read the article on Uptown Rideau Street in the October/November issue of IMAGE praising the development at 560 Rideau Street. Action Sandy Hill fought hard to ensure The Charlotte adhered to the stated goals for Uptown Rideau district, that the bike lanes were not encroached upon by garbage and that there was a loading area for moving trucks and a place for residents to be dropped off or picked up.
We were assured that, since the driveway for The Charlotte exited directly onto a bike lane, garbage would be collected inside the building. That is not happening. Every week the garbage bins are dragged up and parked on the bike lane.
The “privately owned publicly accessible” area in front of The Charlotte does not include chairs or any of the amenities promised in the plans.
Once the building is fully occupied, where are moving vans, taxis/Ubers and residents going to stop? Will they have to block westbound bus lanes?
The Community raised $21,000, hired a planner and lawyer and fought to ensure Richcraft met the community’s needs. So far, they have not done so.
Sally Southey
Range Road
Sally Southey is a former head of the Action Sandy Hill Bylaw Committee