Bulletin Board


Seeking a short-term rental from July 2-8 for a family of three adults, from France, visiting relatives in Sandy Hill. Looking for a 2 bedroom (or more) home or apartment to rent. Please contact Christine at caubryhome@gmail.com or 613-725-4245.

Recherchons logement meublé à louer du 2 au 8 juillet: famille française (3 adultes) désire louer apartement ou maison avec au moins 2 chambres à coucher. Veuillez contacter Christine: caubryhome@gmail.com (613-725-4245).


Rental accommodation sought 60-year-old man seeks to rent lodging in Sandy Hill.  Former U of O student, quiet, studious, has some skill with tools, volunteers with IMAGE.  Likes animals.  Rented for 25 years in a house in Lowertown, now hoping to return to return to Sandy Hill.  Frank Heilingbrunner, fheiling@yahoo.ca


Non-profit office moving out sale! Located at 5 Blackburn Avenue. Excellent deals on desks, shelves, office chairs, and technology. To make an appointment to come by between 9-5 on April 22, 29, or May 6, text Heather at 613 853-8925.


Ottawa Newcomers Club is a non-profit social organization for women who have recently moved to this area or who have experienced a significant life change and would like to meet new people of similar interests by joining our many group activities. See our website: ottawanewcomersclub.ca or contact newcomersclubottawa@gmail.com


Jane’s Walk Ottawa-Gatineau returns to local streets on May 7-8. Information: janeswalkottawa.ca