
Sandy Hill scenes, Summer 2019



July 18 — Ribbon cutting on the new terrace at allsaints. Well-wishing neighbours, local politicians, shareholders and community partners, plus children from Bettye Hyde nursery school, enjoyed the setting, sunshine, speeches and refreshing iced tea and juice. Photo Harlequin Studios


September 7 — The threat of rain moved the 2019 Carty House Community Picnic indoors to St. Joe’s hall, but did not dampen spirits. Carty House, long based and admired  in Sandy Hill, offers a first home and helping hand for refugee women in Ottawa. Photo Carty House


August— Nyna Nyiringango, a Rwandan musician now residing in Sandy Hill, and Patrick Rooney prepare for her performance at Saw Gallery’s Women’s Arts Festival. The festival explored the concept of “intersectionality.” Photo Harlequin Studios