
Let’s talk real estate

Lynda Cox


Love where you live and live where you love

What is best? Loving where you live or living where you love? This is a tricky one you might say. Is there a difference or are they one and the same? It depends. Loving where you live, to me, means finding and making a home that is comfortable, warm and inviting; a house or apartment that you love to come home to every day after work or play. This atmosphere is your own doing. You can create it in any location.

Living where you love, speaks more about neighbourhood. It is more an acquired love than a love that is already there. It requires getting to know the area, getting to know the people and amenities, finding your place in it all and loving what it does for you, the quality of life it gives to you.

Many of you living here in Sandy Hill are living where you love. You might fantasize about a dream home in a warmer climate, especially at this time of year. You might fantasize about winning the lottery to finance those dreams. But here you are, right in the middle of the best little city in Canada and one of the greatest neighbourhoods in Ottawa.

Why do you love it so? Your walk score is 90. Most amenities are just a short stroll from home. Parkland is accessible, plentiful and extremely beautiful. Your population is very diverse. Every season provides varying opportunities, activities, colours and sounds. Your community is a most active one working to improve and enhance your living experience and best of all housing is still affordable.

Fact: Ottawa is a terrific place to live as a homeowner; the words “Housing Bubble” and Ottawa have never gone hand in hand; Ottawa is a government town so housing prices tend to be steady and buyers plentiful.

Keep on living where you love. Get involved. Sandy Hill, so much to love!


Real estate update

Greater Ottawa experienced a 3.9% overall increase in prices compared with 2017. Sandy Hill saw condo prices averaging an approximate 11% increase while residential prices rose approximately 6%. The residential activity level was down from 2017 by about 21% while the condo activity level was up about 32% over 2017. The condo market is continuing to lead the way.

Residential activity since Oct. 31: Sold – 6; Conditionally sold – 1; Active – 7

Condominium activity since Oct. 31: Sold–17; Conditionally sold–4; Active  –25

Rentals: 11 available on MLS at present; 16 rented since Oct.31