Bulletin Board

What’s coming up?

R4 Zoning review —public meeting

Action Sandy Hill will hold a public meeting on April 27 to discuss how this zoning impacts Sandy Hill. Tim Moerman, City Planner, will attend to respond to questions. Comment period has been extended from April 19 to after this meeting. Read the discussion paper here. 


Other notes from our community association

  • ASH is working with City Hall to build a gazebo in Strathcona Park (at Osgoode). The cost is estimated to be $42,000.
  • ASH has purchased a ping pong table for the community centre and a ping pong tournament will be held this spring to celebrate.
  • The Town and Gown Association of Ontario annual meeting will be held in Ottawa, May 8 -10. ASH VP Bob Forbes will make a presentation on diversity and heritage preservation in neighbourhoods near universities.