
Community Iftar at Viscount Alexander Public School

Savouring diversity

Shauna Malcom

It’s March 22nd at 7:18 p.m. and the school gymnasium at Viscount Alexander P.S. is packed with families from all walks of life. Some are already sitting at tables draped in plastic tablecloths sprinkled with gold glitter, gold stars and ribbons dangle from the basketball nets. Banners proclaiming Ramadan Mubarak (Blessed Ramadan) and Marhaba (Welcome) greet the energetic crowd. Gym mats line the front of the stage, where children happily romp around, waiting for the event to begin. Volunteers scurry around distributing water and dates in anticipation of breaking the fast during this month of Ramadan.

7:19 p.m., a microphone squeals excitedly with breath; Allaaaaaaaahuuuuu Akbar …… an ethereal voice bellows gently, yet powerfully through the speaker. The room comes to a standstill as the adhan (call to prayer) begins, everyone watching the young man dressed all in white, standing next to the stage. He continues with both hands held up to each ear, Allaahuuu Akbar Allahu Akbar…..

He continues: a congregation of cell phones float above the throng, like flickering candles above candle sticks, to record the beautiful call. This is the first adhan that has ever been heard within the walls of our school. Muslim guests continue their prayer on the mats while non-observing guests have the chance to witness the occasion first hand.

After prayer, guests gather to celebrate Ramadan with an Iftar: the fast-breaking evening meal. A mix of catered food and potluck items are served by Lisgar C.I. student volunteers. A long line of hungry guests forms quickly, each waiting to try the exotic array of halal and vegetarian options. Everyone is smiling, hugging, and talking. Everyone feels welcome.

Phoebe (Grade 3) showing off her beautiful henna design at Viscount’s Iftar celebration.
Photo Nicolas Thompson

Beyond the gym, the event stretched to the hallways, where a vendor displays traditional dresses and hijabs, and henna artists generously apply intricate henna designs on guests’ hands.

How did Viscount School Council come to host such a unique event? It evolved from the Ottawa Carleton District School Board’s Parent Reaching Out (PRO) Grant, a Board-wide initiative to promote events to bring the school community together. I immediately suggested a Ramadan Iftar to our School Council, knowing it was sure to bring out our Muslim community and hoping it would also be appreciated by all families, regardless of their faiths. The excitement was instantaneous—we knew it had to happen.

We leaned on our friendly ties with Lisgar C.I. and recruited a dozen helpful volunteers to help carry out the event. They used the magic of paint to transform recycled boxes into lanterns with flickering candle sticks, and they created banners and stars to decorate the event space. They helped set up tables and chairs and stayed late to clean up once the event was done. Their dedication was a huge asset to make this Iftar a triumph!

Our first Ramadan Iftar was a smashing success, filled with laughter, bursting waistlines and friendship. It represented the whole-hearted beauty of our multi-cultural school and we could not have been more grateful to share it with so many members of our school community.


Shauna Malcom, Viscount parent and lead coordinator for the event, enjoying Viscount’s first Iftar potluck.
Photo Leila Heikkila