
News Bites

The One and Only Craft Fair will not be held this November due to COVID. Depending on the situation, a spring fair may be possible. Stay tuned to the Action Sandy Hill newsletter. (To sign up for the newsletter go to

Anya Fraser, who lives on Daly, joined the Action Sandy Hill board in August, taking on the role of ASH/City liaison regarding 311 calls.  She is to engage with residents on who to call for what (i.e.. when to make a 311 call vs a 911 call, let them know about the needle pick-up services, etc.) and hear community concerns which will then be conveyed to the councillor and City staff on how to improve process.

The City is no longer using the former St Paul’s Eastern church at Daly and Cumberland as a daytime drop in/respite centre.

Play structures near the wading pool in Strathcona Park are to be replaced in spring 2022.

The University of Ottawa Canadians Sharing Locally and Globally Club ran, walked, and got sponsors to raise funds at the Ottawa Race Weekend. Among 51 charities, the club placed first as the official charity with the largest total dollars raised: $362,640.23. All proceeds have been used to enhance India’s ability to respond to the overwhelming needs of people suffering from COVID-19.

—with notes from the  Action Sandy Hill newsletter, Cathy Major, John Wenuk, Bob Whitelaw


Park bins

Photo Bob Whitelaw

New recycling bins with signs have been placed throughout Strathcona Park.  This is a new initiative by the City of Ottawa; Strathcona Park is being used as a test site.






Annie Pootoogook Park naming celebration in the works

Photo Bob Whitelaw

A new sign at the corner of Sweetland and Templeton marks the completion of a citizen-led effort, started by Stéphanie Plante, to rename the popular park behind the community centre after Annie Pootoogook, a prominent Inuit artist. Born in Cape Dorset, Nunavut, she lived in Ottawa – sometimes on the streets – until she died at age 47 in 2016.

The park was formerly known as Sandy Hill Park. Its proximity to the Nunavut Sivuniksavut school an Ottawa-based college that helps Inuit youth from across Canada’s North – was very important in Plante’s proposal.

The renaming is expected to be celebrated on November 7.  There will be an exhibit of Ms Pootoogook’s work in the Sandy Hill Community Centre More of her intriguing pencil crayon works are on view in the Ottawa Art Gallery’s  “Sheltered in Place” exhibit (reviewed in IMAGE, April-May 2021).

—with notes from Bob Whitelaw, the Ottawa Citizen and ASH.




Skeletal cracks

Photo Bob Whitelaw

The alien-looking orange markings along the Annie Poogootook Park pathway presage repairs coming to the many cracks and uneven pavement. Soon, we hope!









Construction trailer gone and a new pedestrian-friendly look

Photo Bob Whitelaw

The construction trailer located for three years at the intersection of Somerset East and Range Road finally left us on Tuesday, September 28. It supported the major upgrade to services, sidewalks and drainage on Mann, Range, Templeton and Russell. The work has now shifted to Greenfield Ave. past the Queensway entrance.



Photo Bob Whitelaw






Federal election, September 20

Photo Kathleen Kelly

On the first day of advance voting in the September federal election, Sandy Hillers Jeannette and Julie Scobie, escorted by Skipper and Lily, were photographed outside the poll on Somerset East. Incumbent Mona Fortier was the clear winner in the September 20 contest. What did she promise us (according to Taylor Blewett in the Ottawa Citizen on Sept. 30)?

From $10-a-day child care to an extension of the Canada Recovery Hiring Program until next March, many of Fortier’s pledges to Ottawa-Vanier voters were national promises in the Liberal Party’s campaign platform (she co-chaired the platform committee). In terms of specific, local promises, Fortier did pledge to “focus on expanding our amazing network” of active transportation spaces, including the river pathways. She also said in her campaign literature that she would champion funding “for grassroots First Nations, Inuit and Métis organizations who deliver critical cultural, educational and health services.”



Wilbrod Street curiosity on the chopping block

Photo Paula Kelsall

An application to demolish the brightly coloured buildings owned by 12784220 Canada Inc. at 326 – 330 Wilbrod Street (between Friel and Chapel) has been filed with the City by Dolyn Construction. If successful, tthey intend to construct a 40-unit apartment building with mostly 2-bedroom units. As well, they intend to ask the City for cash-in-lieu relief from the parking spaces requirement and to extend a new wing into the rear yard. The height of the planned building meets the requirements in an R4 zone.  ASH members had a preliminary meeting with the architect, planner and construction manager to discuss the design of the building. ASH stressed that the building should fit in with the street character, using similar colours and perhaps materials for the facade of the building, possibly balconies for the front of the building and the use of building details which are found on similar buildings on the street such as the kindergarten pavillion of l’École Francojeunesse.



Coming soon to a park near you: glorious autumn colours
Photo Bob Whitelaw