Letters & Opinion

Yvonne Van Alphen’s Isolation Photo Album

I take a photo most days when I walk the loop.





Apr. 27: Two kayakers enjoying the day on the Rideau River. They’ve turned back because of the rapids ahead.

Apr. 29: Of course, there is graffiti on my River Walk. But, this one, I quite like, painted under a bridge. I think the City has greyed out some previous graffiti and then artist has made it into a goat?

May 7: A Sandy Hill resident has set up a Hide-and- Seek competition when walking the loop between the two bridges on the Rideau River. I went to check it out yesterday and found five of the ten bears. A nice idea for parents walking small children.
Sad news. The City removed all bears from the park. No fun for you.

May 8: Yesterday, the Snowbirds flew over at 5 pm. They are flying all over Canada in support of the front line workers who are helping to protect us against COVID-19. I took this picture standing on the Adàwe Crossing.

May 15: I went to photograph a bird along the edge of the river and I saw this … I was taken aback as it looked so real. Someone has taken some time to make this tree look like it came right out of a story book.