Sandy Hill resident Susan Korah helps get information to vulnerable people
June Coxon
In addition to her regular freelance writing assignments Sandy Hill resident, journalist Susan Korah is using her communication skills to help some of the world’s most vulnerable people. She is participating in a project aimed at addressing a serious gap in worldwide public health communications—spreading important health information to a group that seems to have been forgotten during the COVID-19 pandemic.
In conjunction with Swedish journalist Nuri Kino who initiated the project, Korah helped produce a You Tube video designed for the benefit of refugees, migrant workers and other marginalized people who have not mastered the language of their country of residence and so have limited or no access to essential health information coming from mainstream media during the COVID-19 crisis.
“When my friend Nuri Kino asked me to help him I readily agreed, because the project is such a kind, thoughtful act and I saw the value of it for Canada, which has such a diverse population of newcomers. I was happy to search for suitable people within my own network of international contacts,” Korah explained.
One of Korah’s contacts is Ottawa’s internationally acclaimed opera singer Polish-born Maria Knapik. She joins 15 celebrities from other countries, delivering a message on this Tellcorona Campaign video in their own language on how to help stop the spread of the pandemic. Korah also secured the participation of well-known Mexican musician Lazaro Valiente. Their messages can be shared on cell phones, through WhatsApp and on other social media platforms. You can also watch the video on this website:
In a recent article written by Korah for online magazine Convivium, Maria Knapik explained why she so willingly took part. “It’s an important humanitarian project,” she said, “and I’m happy to participate. Helping the most vulnerable has been important to me all my life. When I was a child and used to perform with my sisters all over Europe,… we sometimes gave benefit concerts for orphans. I was moved by the children’s gratitude, generosity and kindness.”
To find out more about this video initiative read Susan Korah’s article:
In addition to being shared with Ottawa groups working with the target audience, the Tellcorona Campaign video is featured on the European Union’s migrant integration website, noting that it is one of the “best practices.” The Polish Embassy in Ottawa has shared the video on its Twitter account along with a recommendation too.
So far about 100,000 people from Sweden, Canada, Lebanon, Germany, Somalia, France and Afghanistan watched the video from the website and one million have viewed it on Facebook.