Neighbourhood Bulletin Board
Nia Spring Fling, Mondays 9.30-10.30 a.m., continues through June and July; $18 for dropin. Saint Paul’s-Eastern United Church, Sandy Hill, 473 Cumberland St. (cor. Daly; entrance on Daly, red door)
Need help with work in your yard and other tasks? Daly Trust is a not-for-profit initiative led by St. Paul’s-Eastern United Church. Help the down-and-out to get back on their feet by hiring them to do jobs such as yard cleanup, gardening, washing cars and window cleaning. Please contact Edward at 343-995-7696 or Grant at
Laurier House wants to hear from you! Parks Canada is planning the future direction of this home of two Prime Ministers, Sir Wilfrid Laurier and William Lyon Mackenzie King, and wants to hear your thoughts on programs, facilities and services. What is going well and where can we improve? Until June 30th by email:pc. lhnmaisonlaurier-laurierhousenhs.pc@canada. ca. Find out more at
OUTPUT 2019; SAW Video Media Arts Centre’s second annual screening of new works by participants of the centre’s granting programs. Six works by Ottawa-based emerging, mid-career and established artists, four of which were directed by women, will be presented. Thurs. June 20, 7 p.m. Alma Duncan Salon at the Ottawa Art Gallery (10 Daly Avenue/50 Mackenzie King Bridge, 3rd Level) and will be followed by a Q&A with the artists and a reception with a cash bar and music.
Preparing for End of Life: Even If You’re Not Dying! All are welcome to register for an allday workshop on Sat. June 22 at St. Joseph’s Church, 174 Wilbrod. Topics: Advanced Care Planning with Roshene Lawson, Clinical Chaplain at Bruyere Continuing Care; Understanding a Palliative Approach to Care with Nadine Valk of the Champlain Hospice. 9 a.m.-3 p.m.; $20 suggested donation; lunch included; free parking in lot. Register: www.St-Josephs.caor call 613-233-4095 ext 0.
Romeo and Juliet in Strathcona Park. A Company of Fools will be back with their Torchlight Shakespeare in the Park series this summer, visiting 36 parks across eastern Ontario during July and August. In Strathcona Park 7 p.m. every Monday night from July 8; all shows are pay-what-you-can; suggested donation $20/ person. See
Art in Strathcona Park, Sat. 10 August, 10 a.m.–4 p.m., rain or shine. Featuring the work of over 130 artists and artisans. This annual exhibition & sale is one of the area’s most popular outdoor artistic events. Free admission; silent auction; refreshments; BBQ.
Go bats? Sat. July 6 at 8:30 p.m. (rain date July 7) join Bettina Henkelmann as she will “Com-bat” stereotypes about Ottawa’s bat superpowers and habitat: foraging and roosting features, and practices that can be used to improve them. Please bring a flashlight and be prepared for mosquitoes. Meet at Building 72 in the Arboretum east of the Prince of Wales roundabout. Free. Register at